
División de cadenas de Java()

El división de cadena java() El método divide esta cadena según una expresión regular dada y devuelve una matriz de caracteres.

Implementación interna

 public String[] split(String regex, int limit) { /* fastpath if the regex is a (1)one-char String and this character is not one of the RegEx&apos;s meta characters &apos;.$|()[{^?*+\&apos;, or (2)two-char String and the first char is the backslash and the second is not the ascii digit or ascii letter. */ char ch = 0; if (((regex.value.length == 1 &amp;&amp; &apos;.$|()[{^?*+\&apos;.indexOf(ch = regex.charAt(0)) == -1) || (regex.length() == 2 &amp;&amp; regex.charAt(0) == &apos;\&apos; &amp;&amp; (((ch = regex.charAt(1))-&apos;0&apos;)|(&apos;9&apos;-ch)) <0 0 && ((ch-'a')|('z'-ch)) < 0)) (ch character.max_low_surrogate)) { int off="0;" next="0;" boolean limited="limit"> 0; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); while ((next = indexOf(ch, off)) != -1) { if (!limited || list.size() <limit 0 - 1) { list.add(substring(off, next)); off="next" + 1; } else last one assert (list.size()="=" limit 1); value.length)); break; if no match was found, return this (off="=" 0) new string[]{this}; add remaining segment (!limited || list.size() && list.get(resultsize 1).length()="=" resultsize--; string[] result="new" string[resultsize]; list.sublist(0, resultsize).toarray(result); pattern.compile(regex).split(this, limit); < pre> <hr> <h3>Signature</h3> <p>There are two signature for split() method in java string.</p> <pre> public String split(String regex) and, public String split(String regex, int limit) </pre> <hr> <h3>Parameter</h3> <p> <b>regex</b> : regular expression to be applied on string.</p> <p> <b>limit</b> : limit for the number of strings in array. If it is zero, it will returns all the strings matching regex.</p> <hr> <h3>Returns</h3> <p>array of strings</p> <hr> <h3>Throws</h3> <p> <b>PatternSyntaxException</b> if pattern for regular expression is invalid</p> <hr> <h3>Since</h3> <p>1.4</p> <hr> <h2>Java String split() method example</h2> <p>The given example returns total number of words in a string excluding space only. It also includes special characters.</p> <pre> public class SplitExample{ public static void main(String args[]){ String s1=&apos;java string split method by javatpoint&apos;; String[] words=s1.split(&apos;\s&apos;);//splits the string based on whitespace //using java foreach loop to print elements of string array for(String w:words){ System.out.println(w); } }} </pre> <span> Test it Now </span> <pre> java string split method by javatpoint </pre> <hr> <h2>Java String split() method with regex and length example</h2> <pre> public class SplitExample2{ public static void main(String args[]){ String s1=&apos;welcome to split world&apos;; System.out.println(&apos;returning words:&apos;); for(String w:s1.split(&apos;\s&apos;,0)){ System.out.println(w); } System.out.println(&apos;returning words:&apos;); for(String w:s1.split(&apos;\s&apos;,1)){ System.out.println(w); } System.out.println(&apos;returning words:&apos;); for(String w:s1.split(&apos;\s&apos;,2)){ System.out.println(w); } }} </pre> <span> Test it Now </span> <pre> returning words: welcome to split world returning words: welcome to split world returning words: welcome to split world </pre> <h2>Java String split() method with regex and length example 2</h2> <p>Here, we are passing split limit as a second argument to this function. This limits the number of splitted strings.</p> <pre> public class SplitExample3 { public static void main(String[] args) { String str = &apos;Javatpointtt&apos;; System.out.println(&apos;Returning words:&apos;); String[] arr = str.split(&apos;t&apos;, 0); for (String w : arr) { System.out.println(w); } System.out.println(&apos;Split array length: &apos;+arr.length); } } </pre> <pre> Returning words: Java poin Split array length: 2 </pre></limit></0>


expresión regular : expresión regular que se aplicará a la cadena.

límite : límite para el número de cadenas en la matriz. Si es cero, devolverá todas las cadenas que coincidan con expresiones regulares.


conjunto de cuerdas


Excepción de sintaxis de patrón si el patrón de expresión regular no es válido



Ejemplo del método Java String split()

El ejemplo dado devuelve el número total de palabras en una cadena excluyendo únicamente los espacios. También incluye caracteres especiales.

 public class SplitExample{ public static void main(String args[]){ String s1=&apos;java string split method by javatpoint&apos;; String[] words=s1.split(&apos;\s&apos;);//splits the string based on whitespace //using java foreach loop to print elements of string array for(String w:words){ System.out.println(w); } }} 
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 java string split method by javatpoint 

Método Java String split() con ejemplo de expresiones regulares y longitud

 public class SplitExample2{ public static void main(String args[]){ String s1=&apos;welcome to split world&apos;; System.out.println(&apos;returning words:&apos;); for(String w:s1.split(&apos;\s&apos;,0)){ System.out.println(w); } System.out.println(&apos;returning words:&apos;); for(String w:s1.split(&apos;\s&apos;,1)){ System.out.println(w); } System.out.println(&apos;returning words:&apos;); for(String w:s1.split(&apos;\s&apos;,2)){ System.out.println(w); } }} 
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 returning words: welcome to split world returning words: welcome to split world returning words: welcome to split world 

Método Java String split() con expresiones regulares y longitud ejemplo 2

Aquí, pasamos el límite de división como segundo argumento de esta función. Esto limita el número de cadenas divididas.

 public class SplitExample3 { public static void main(String[] args) { String str = &apos;Javatpointtt&apos;; System.out.println(&apos;Returning words:&apos;); String[] arr = str.split(&apos;t&apos;, 0); for (String w : arr) { System.out.println(w); } System.out.println(&apos;Split array length: &apos;+arr.length); } } 
 Returning words: Java poin Split array length: 2